Are you afraid? - Är du rädd?
Här kommer en uppsats jag skrev tidigare i år under Engelska B. Jag är riktigt nöjd med den, och många andra texter jag har skrivit under engelska lektionerna. Jag vet inte varför, men jag skriver bättre på engelska än svenska. Jag tycker språket har fler nyanser och de är inte lika banalt som svenskan. Prova bara att beskriva en blomma på svenska och sen på engelska. I vilken av varianterna får du ut mest nyanser?
Iallfall, här kommer texten.
Are you afraid?
And are you prepared to do something about it?
I was standing in the shower the other day and I started to think about how scared we humans are. We’re scared of everything, even the things we build our selves. But the thing we seem to fear the most is death. The thought of not existing anymore and not being able to see the people we love, or do the things we love. The thought of missing out on something important or exiting, that is what scares us the most. But still, we do not take us the time do all of those things while we still can. We never go to that place where we’ve always wanted to go, we never visit that good old friend who moved away, for how long was it now? One, two, maybe three years?
We don’t take the time to tell the people we love, just how much they mean to us. And then we stand there, all out of time, thinking “What did I really do with my time? Am I happy about the life I’ve lived? Have I done everything I wanted to do? Or did I miss something? Will I be remembered?”
People are afraid of their own mortality, but still we do nothing to fight it, to stop it.
Jag fick MVG på denna. Var den värd de tycker ni? :)